Summer 2024 






What is EPIC?

EPIC is a one-day diocesan event for middle school youth (rising grades 6-8).  This event is a high-energy day that is focused on two things:

  • building community & friendships with other Catholic middle school youth, and
  • encouraging zeal for our Catholic faith


Throughout the day, youth will experience everything from inflatables to a service project, relay races to Mass.!  Keynote sessions will highlight the lives of young saints and emphasize the universal call to holiness – every age, including middle school youth, is called to sainthood!  They will also interact with high school teens who attended Discipleship Week in the days prior to EPIC. 

At the end of the day, middle school youth will walk away feeling excited about their community and their faith.  Join us, it is going to be EPIC!


Who should attend EPIC?

EPIC is open to all youth who will be in grades 6-8 during the 2024-2025 academic year.


Where and when is EPIC?

EPIC will be held on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at Saint Joseph’s Villa in Richmond, Virginia from 11am-7pm.  The address is 8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227.


What is the schedule of the day?

Please note:  The schedule is subject to change.

11:00am            Registration, Lunch, & Inflatables

12:30pm           Session #1

1:30pm             Relay Races

2:00pm             Service Project & Free Time

4:00pm             Session #2

5:00pm             Vigil Mass

6:00pm             Dinner

7:00pm             Leave


How do I register?

Youth and adult registration forms are below! Registration is $50/person. Return registration forms and payment by July 1. 

Youth Registration Form      Adult Registration Form




Discipleship Week




What is Discipleship Week?

Discipleship Week is a discipleship & leadership opportunity for high school teens from across the diocese who desire to know Jesus better and to live and serve as He did.  This week is for teens who are ready for more:  more faith in their own lives, more community with Catholic peers, and more action to spread the Good News.  This week will include growth in personal discipleship through prayer and mentoring, practical training on how to be a Catholic leader who leads from their love of Christ, and a final group project where they put these skills into practice.  They will pray, learn, and work alongside other teens from across the diocese, helping them to see that they are not alone in their love of the Lord or in their desire to serve His people.  The hope is that the high school teens who attend Discipleship Week return to their communities with a renewed zeal for their Catholic faith.


The final group project is EPIC, a one-day diocesan event for middle school youth (rising grades 6-8).  The high school teens from Discipleship Week will hold a variety of leadership roles at this event, from giving short testimonies to coordinating relay race games.  


There are a limited number of spots for Discipleship Week, and applications are required in order to be considered. Keep reading in order to find out more!


Where and when is Discipleship Week?

Discipleship Week will be held from the afternoon of Wednesday, July 31, 2024 until the morning of Saturday, August 3, 2024 at Shalom House Retreat Center (15340 Robert Terrell Rd, Montpelier, VA 23192).  In addition to Discipleship Week itself, all participants will be given roles at EPIC, a middle school event that will happen all-day on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at Saint Joseph’s Villa (8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227). Participants will not need to coordinate their own transportation to EPIC, but they will need to provide their own transportation to Shalom House Retreat Center on Wednesday, July 31 and from EPIC on Saturday, August 3.


Who should attend Discipleship Week?

Discipleship Week is open to rising 11th & 12th graders who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.  This week is aimed at equipping teens in parishes who are ready to be missionary disciples, whether in formal leadership positions at the parish or simply in the way they live their lives. 


How does a teen apply?

You can either download and fill out the registration form below, or ask Erin for the online applicaiton link!  The application includes:

  • Basic contact information, including an emergency contact and release of liabilities.
  • Uploading a 250-500 word essay, written by the Discipleship Week applicant, telling us who they are and why they are interested in this opportunity to grow as a disciple and leader.
  • Uploading a recommendation letter written by either the parish Youth Minster or pastor. There is an expectation that Discipleship Week teens will continue what they have started when they go back into their parishes, so a relationship with the Youth Minister and/or pastor is key!


Application Form

All applications must be submitted by Wednesday, June 12!


When will teens know if they’ve been accepted?

Teens and their parish Youth Minister will be notified no later than Monday, July 1, 2024 whether or not they have been accepted.


What are the registration fees?

The cost for youth participants is $150/person.  The registration fee covers:

  • Lodging for 3 nights
  • Discipleship Week programming, including speaker(s) and other set-up costs
  • Discipleship Week supplies (journals, books, etc.)
  • A t-shirt, worn at EPIC
  • All meals and snacks for the duration of the event
  • Other giveaway items TBD

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.,org or (877) 887-9603.